Our pace of development this summer is running at high-velocity and today we are launching the 'Learning Hub' which supports all of the workshops and courses that we offer both online and face to face.

The concept of the Learning Hub is very simple: to provide a wealth of resources to support you in your learning pre, during and post event.
The books and e-books section includes texts that have been published by Parallel Dreams and some of these (e-books) are FREE. Derek's new book (the first draft of which is nearing completion) will be included here once published.
The documents and tools section includes mindfulness and flow training tools including mindful meditative and mindful communication activities. And for those undertaking an IASI Level 1 ski instructor course all the resources required are available including course workbook and a student logbook.
Our pre workshop learning and post workshop growth areas have been specially developed to support our three new online workshops which start in September. Each workshop has its own pages (password protected and issued prior to the course) and for example, the pre-workshop includes four sections; Read (links to useful articles, blogs etc.), Watch (videos to view), Research (links to underpinning research journal articles) and Answer (a short questionnaire to test your knowledge).
So, just to recap: There are four areas in the Learning Hub;
1) Books and e-books - FREE access
2) Documents and Tools - access via site registration
3) Pre-workshop learning - access via password supplied before workshop
4) Post-workshop growth - access via password supplied after workshop
Check out the Learning Hub now and let us know if you would like to see any particular resources added.
Update 24/06/2023: Please note that the Learning Hub has now been replaced by Derek Tate Coaching's online store. To view the store click here.
About the Author
Derek Tate is an author, coach and teacher and runs Derek Tate Coaching. His mission is to help others to flourish and get more out of life through better mental, emotional, and physical health. He offers mental skills coaching, alpine ski coaching, online courses and workshops and writes self help/psychology books.